The Artist
It was never my intention to become an artist.
Having two brothers in the arts and watching their struggles, I logically opted out of the field and pursued other endeavors. Seeking a change in my life, I returned to University and happened upon a teacher who saw within me my potential and encouraged it. After much resistance, I succumbed.
Working with students today, they often ask me why I do what I do. I try to offer a dose of reality to them by regaling them with stories of my trials and tribulations as a sculptor and naming all of the reasons as to why not to pursue a career as an artist. But I also clarify this by telling them how art for me has always been about the passion of creation. I am an idealist in as I still believe that through my sculptures I can make a person smile, or to think and that maybe I can influence them to change their ideas or to give them something they will enjoy being around for their whole life.
My true happiness comes when I am in my studio creating.
The Art
I have been working on several series of work that are as different as they are similar.
One series was once labeled as metaphorical vistas, a description that I have always liked. Within these sculptures I include houses, chairs, and other objects that, with their inherent symbolism, develop metaphors about issues that are important to me. Many of my ideas stem from a fascination with how things are connected, both literally and figuratively. The combination of wood and curved steel are utilized as both compositional elements and to create spaces for these objects to reside. I have always been interested in how objects function within a given space, how they occupy it and the relationships created with the other objects in that space. Because of the broad range of symbolism, these sculptures can speak on many different levels and to many different people.
The second series can best be expressed as a reappropriation of objects. I have always been intrigued by the found object and it’s history and potential symbolism. Most of these sculptures are made using multiples of the same object and realigned to create something wholly different.
I also, at times, go off on tangents exploring a new material or process. One of my recent departures was a need to see what I could do with light and color. How it works and blends and what were the possibilities within how I create my art.